About Our Founder

Hi! I’m Jen - the wife of Simon, mom of Ewan and Keira, loving life in NWA since 2019. A consummate DIYer with a passion for clean skincare products, I created AON to have a worry-free product to use for just about anything on the most sensitive skin. 
During my first pregnancy, I became more aware of the toxins in so many household and skincare products. The more I researched, the more products I started making myself, as a lot of healthier options were just too expensive. After many years of DIYing and a move to Northwest Arkansas with much longer, drier winters, I embarked on my AON journey. I started developing AON, giving little tester bottles and a questionnaire to my friends and family…then the orders started coming in! They wanted more!! The rest is history!
When not making skincare products or momming, you can find me cooking up some interesting recipes, taking family bike rides, or reading.

Fun Fact: When living in Nashville, I wrote and recorded a demo EP and played one basement show before I moved to Scotland!